Welcome to the RedwoodJS Community 🙌

We’re glad you’re here!

Everyone from everywhere is invited to participate in this community regardless of your experience or skillset. As a matter of fact, growing a vibrant, helpful community is core to our definition of success.

By helping each other be successful with Redwood, we make Redwood successful

Redwood is both project and people—everything is optimized for collaboration. Participation is an opportunity to build relationships, progress in your skills and experience, and contribute to a framework that’s powering startups around the world.

We highly value:

  1. reciprocity
  2. generosity
  3. gratitude

Why? Because these behaviors are what create a culture grounded in trust and empathy—the fuel for collaboration.

Quick Links

Onboarding Walkthrough

Follow these steps to get oriented and started.

1. Search the Redwood Forums Knowledgebase :mag_right:

The post you’re reading is part of the community forums (often referred to as Discourse, the software powering the forums). It’s a valuable knowledgebase of community articles and discussions. Just like a fine wine, it gets better with age! Try these activities before you move on:

  1. Search for all posts related to “Prisma”
  2. Select a post that looks interesting. In the bottom right, click the :heart: icon to show support and thank the author.
  3. Ah, you need to login first! It only takes seconds to create an account with GitHub. You’ll be able to like, comment, and subscribe.

Admittedly, posting on the forums can be intimidating at first. But we invite you to try by sharing something simple you learned. And keep in mind that the Redwood community lives around the world and isn’t in the same timezone. The forums are a great way to work asynchronously.

The Redwood Docs are the other, important knowledgebase to keep in mind when you need to find things!

2. Say “Hi” on Discord :wave:

We use Discord for real-time chat and events like Office Hours and Makers Hour. It’s not the best place to find things, but it’s a great place to connect with others and build relationships. Try the following on Discord:

  1. Join Discord and introduce yourself. After joining the server, you’ll see your name added to the #introductions channel. Say “hi” and let people know one thing you hope to do or learn. For example, “I’m planning to try the Tutorial and will probably have a few questions.”
  2. Check out upcoming Events. Anything anything of interest coming up soon? Some of our events are hosted on the event-live Discord channel; others are Zoom meetings.
  3. Show some support to others. You’re a part of the community now! Find someone to encourage with an emoji. Or head back to the #introductions channel and find someone you can click “Wave to say hi!” to.

It’s easier to engage and ask questions on Discord. Please do! But there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • try searching the Forums or Docs first — often questions have already been answered
  • if you learn something, pay it forward! If your question wasn’t in the Forums, after you find an answer you can create a short post for others to find in the future
  • appreciate those who help you, and never hesitate to help others (even if you’re new to the community)

3. Stay Connected

There’s a lot happening across the Redwood Community. Here’s how to stay connected:

  1. Follow Redwood on Twitter: this is our main feed of events, announcements, and updates
  2. Sign up for the Redwood Newsletter: we send a short newsletter periodically with recaps of updates, articles, and events
  3. Join the Forums and sign up for digests: click on your account, settings, and notifications
  4. Star Redwood on Github and set a custom “Watch” for releases

Now Go For it!

The best way to be successful with Redwood is to have the support of a community! Whatever you do next, you don’t have to do it alone:

  1. Start the Tutorial
  2. Attend a Weekly a Makers Hour
  3. Get started on your side-project
  4. Attend the next Redwood Event
  5. Become a Redwood Contributor
