V0.7.0 with Redwood Auth is now available! šŸ„³

This release introduces the new :tada: Redwood Auth Package :tada:, which is a lightweight wrapper around popular SPA authentication libraries. Current support includes Netlify Identity Widget, Auth0, and Netlify GoTrue-JS. (With more on the way!) And it wouldnā€™t be done the Redwood Way if it didnā€™t include a generator to handle the boilerplate for you. We hope you find it delightful to use!

Getting Started with Redwood Auth


Example App Implementations

CLI Trailblazing

  • Feeling :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:? Just dive in with yarn rw g auth [netlify|auth0]

Other v0.7.0 Highlights :rocket:

  • New Function generator and Custom Function Cookbook guide
  • New Scaffold generator option to add ā€˜path/ā€™ structure via yarn rw g scaffold <path/model> #423
  • New Form fields (too many to list!) and improvements to Redwood Forms
  • Upgrades Prisma to v2.0.0-beta.5 (release notes for beta.4 and beta.5)

And a gigantic Thank You to all the amazing contributors below who are making Redwood better every day. Itā€™s a blast to build this with you! :raised_hands:


  • Dev-server: improve Error Handling at FatalErrorBoundary #486
  • Generators: humanize labels on scaffold forms #493 @lachlanjc
  • Config: convert custom webpack cell-loader into Babel Plugin #512 @RobertBroersma
  • Prisma: upgrade to Prisma v2.0.0-beta.5 #525 #532
    • :warning:possible breaking change to migration files; see ā€œBreakingā€ below


  • Auth: add @redwoodjs/auth package #497 #536 :tada:
  • Generators: adds auth generator #539 :tada:
  • Generators: adds function generator #517 :tada:
  • Generators: add path specification to scaffolds #423 @jtoar :tada:
  • CLI: add console log on rebuild complete #504 @vikash-eatgeek
  • CLI: add @redwoodjs/auth package to CLI upgrade command #556
    • CLI upgrade command: add option --tag with choices ā€˜canaryā€™ or ā€˜rcā€™ #560
  • Docs: add router docs for useMatch and NavLink #470 @RobertBroersma
  • Forms: add Radio Field #479 @vikash-eatgeek
  • Forms: add checkbox field #488 @vikash-eatgeek
  • Forms: adds all input type Field form helpers #511


  • CLI: fix yarn rw info not displaying redwoodjs packages on Windows #476
  • Generators: remove excess closing braces from foreign key map on scaffold generator #482 @eurobob
  • Generators: fixes possible null error in truncate #485 @kwyoung11
  • Generators: switch out ā€œHammerā€ data source in tests #506 @lachlanjc
  • Generators: fix NamesCell reload after deleting item #519 @cephalization
  • Dev-server: ā€˜yarn rw devā€™ now only starts the API and DB servers when the api folder is present #490 @ackinc
  • Dev-server: fix Prisma Client error when running dev server w/out DB #524
  • Router: Convert children into array to do array things #547

Breaking :warning:

For previously deployed applications, it is possible the new Prisma migration files from beta.5 are incompatible with previous migrations. If you encounter a migration error on deployment, follow these steps after you backup your deployment DB:

  1. Remove your local Prisma ā€œmigrations/ā€ directory and files.
  2. Create a new migration via yarn rw db save
  3. Drop the ā€œ_Migrationsā€ table on your deployment DB
  4. If you are using the netlify-plugin-prisma-provider, make sure it is at v0.3.0

Rerun your deployment, which should complete successfully.

How to upgrade RedwoodJS packages to v0.7.0

If the Current Version is v0.6.0

Redwood v0.6.0 includes a new CLI command to upgrade @redwoodjs NPM packages. Run the following command within your App directory:

yarn rw upgrade

If the Current Version is < v0.6.0

Manually update the four @redwoodjs/* packages.

Root directory package.json
  • "@redwoodjs/core": "^0.7.0ā€
  • "@redwoodjs/web": "^0.7.0ā€
  • "@redwoodjs/router": "^0.7.0ā€
  • "@redwoodjs/api": "^0.7.0ā€

Install the upgraded packages

$ yarn install

Redwood Releases on GitHub

You can see all Redwood release notes and version history on GitHub


@thedavid Congrats on your release! I was excited to receive the alert from GitHub earlier. And I love your message.

Iā€™ve already upgraded and am looking forward to playing around!


Huge milestone!
Thanks for the hard work :slight_smile:

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Many thanks guys, I had been looking forward to this one a lot.

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This is fantastic news, thank you for all your hard work, having Auth will make such a difference!

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