The last status report announced the very first draft of the end-to-end scenario of using the chrome debugger to step through the Redwood Blog application
Note that the Redwood Blog application has the incorrect / confusing name of “Redwood Tutorial” - it is the application being created in the course of following the real Redwood Tutorial. So in the context of this Tandem tutorial, we will use the name Redwood Blog knowing that the Redwood Blog is the application being tested and debugged, as shown below, where you see this Tandem tutorial app launched from a terminal window, running in a chrome browser, which contains the Redwood Aplication controlled by Chrome debugger (breakpoint set at line 5 in the main.js - yellow markers 4 and 5.
A comprehensive project definition
Tandem is the tutorial on application testing and debugging
. Unlike the original tutorial, written by the core team members, Tandem is the first in the series of “how to learn to write RW applications” created by RW users (application developers using RW framework).
It is a semi-recursive property of Tandem, to use the Redwood Blog application, creation of which is the subject of the original tutorial. Such choice should be obvious: The application that is being tested and debugged should be a) non trivial and 2) it should be well known to Redwood application developers learning how to test and debug.
Expected Feedback:
1. On Navigation
The current navigation (based on Docusaurus, the same framework used by the original tutorial) requires a relatively large number of clicks, some of them being defaults like yellow marker 1. The example below requires click on how to
label (marker 2), how to debug
(marker 3), chrome devtools
(marker 4) and finally example
to select the first of many (that will be added soon) tutorial examples. This first example explains the concepts of building the app and running the app under control of Chrome’s built in debugger.
This unfinished navigation will have many examples in each folder (chrome devtools
, vscode
, wallaby
, webstorm
and storybook
. The same issue is present in the how to test
folder. So, we have two subfolders in the how to
folders, each them having 5-6 (number of supported tools), and each of these sub-subfolders having n markdown articles describing all methods to test and debug
The current navigation method will fail unless with provide an intelligent search (the same as used by the current tutorial:
2. On examples of tutorial focus
- The current example 1 will be augmented to add the stepping through main points in the Authentication process.
- In addition we could add more auth providers of interest, or provide examples of simultaneous debugging on both ends (web and api).
- since the
Do not be shy adding more requests as hopefully it will be you writing these articles