Multi-lingual tutorial site ready for helping hands

Hi all, if anyone’s interested in an easy way to get involved with Redwood, we could use some helping hands over at the i18n ‘’ prototype site. Check out the issues starting to open - mostly frontendy!

Feel free to check out the prototype in action and make suggestions


Thanks for all the work on this @clairefro!

BTW Tutorial Part II might be coming out today with another 14,000 words…sorry. :grimacing:

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Great work i18n team!! Getting really excited about this :star_struck:

Hello everyone! Is this thread about translating the tutorial site? Or fixing/editing the English version of it?

Are you looking for people to translate it into other languages? I’m a native Spanish speaker.

Hi @fgiuliani !

Yes - this is a thread about translating the Tutorial Parts I and II.

we would LOVE LOVE any helping hands with a Spanish translation.

In the meantime you can follow this repo if interested: GitHub - redwoodjs/ (WIP) Multilingual docs site for learning RedwoodJS

Right now there is an issue blocking getting started with translation but i will resolve it sometime this week.

It seems to be taking a while for CrowdIn to rename it.

Might you be able to export the translations, create a new project, and import them?

I’m also excited about the Spanish translations. I am learning Spanish and often set my phone and/or computer to Spanish to help immerse myself in the language.

It’s not Crowdin’s fault - they kindly gave me some steps to resolve the issue I just haven’t had the chance to do it yet :slight_smile: soon!

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Ah, I see. Thanks!

Thank you @clairefro !! I just starred the repo. I’ll wait for that issue to be fixed so I can help with the translation


Hi @fgiuliani - just FYI we are now set up to accept Spanish translations on Crowdin if you are still interested!

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@clairefro cool! I’ll take a look

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