Getting Started as a Contributor

Contributing is Collaborating

RedwoodJS is both a software project and a community of collaborators. The code is only amazing because of the people creating and using it — together.

And you are invited to participate! Regardless of your skillset or experience or whether you want to write code, edit docs, or support others directly via the Forums or Discord server, if you want to take the next step, we are here to help guide you on the journey.

By helping each other be successful with Redwood, we make the Redwood project successful

We sure are glad you’re here and interested in joining us! Welcome to Redwood :raised_hands::evergreen_tree:



The quickest way to start your journey is via our Contributing Docs, specifically “Contributing: Overview and Orientation” (below). You’ll find links to the other resources, including full walk-through documentation and video recording:


The community is great resource you should utilize from the start. Just drop into the “contributing” areas on either the Forums or Discord and let people know you’re interested in participating. Don’t try to figure out how to contribute before joining the community — jump in from the start:

Contributing Workshop

About once a month, we host a free Contributing Workshop. We announce them here in the Announcements channel and host them on the Discord “Redwood Live” channel.

Here’s the link to a recent Contributing Workshop:

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