In an effort to increase Docker build time, and improve general developer experience, I am interested in getting yarn Zero-Installs “plug-n-play” working. I hit two blockers:
1. Prisma client generation
- The generated client needs to be placed somewhere else, eg
, since we no longer usenode_modules
. This is easy to update in the schema file output
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "../src/generated"
- The Redwood CLI and runtime tries to find the client in
, but is unsuccessful. The tooling must be updated to check in the new client location. - Generating the client is now different.
is needed to prevent prisma from triggering npm install. See related issue for more explanation.
# in /api
yarn add -D @yarnpkg/pnpify
yarn unplug prisma @prisma/client
yarn pnpify prisma generate --schema db/schema.prisma
2. Web side missing deps
I did not explore this side much.
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react' in '/home/dev/repos/oauth2-server-redwood/.yarn/__virtual__/react-dom-virtual-424690f422/0/cache/'
Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties' imported from /home/dev/repos/oauth2-server-redwood/babel-virtual-resolve-base.js
Final setup
Test repo link when installation worked (but not rw dev) GitHub - UseKeyp/oauth2-server-redwood at 886d8cc6e15c41c62c5ef67c766cdb55babdf669
cacheFolder: "./.yarn/cache"
nodeLinker: pnp
pnpMode: "loose"
yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-3.2.3.cjs
".prisma": 'link:See "resolution" field of package.json'
package.json root
"resolutions": {
"@prisma/client/.prisma": "link:node_modules/.prisma"
"packageManager": "yarn@3.2.3",
"dependenciesMeta": {
"@prisma/client@4.9.0": {
"unplugged": true
"prisma@4.9.0": {
"unplugged": true