YogaGraphiQL not working after migrate and scaffold


After running a migrate and scaffold command I am no longer able to open YogaGrapiQL, and getting this console error

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module ‘’ does not provide an export named ‘renderYogaGraphiQL’

I am uncertain on what caused this and how to mitigate - any help appreciated? :slight_smile:

Hi @micjor, yes, we are aware of this issue with the latest GraphiQL update.

The Guild has a patch out and the next v3 release will also correct this.

In short, the GraphiQL package doesn’t pin the release and the one it uses has an issue.

Until then, we suggest using another tool like Paw to Insomnia or Postman to try your graphql endpoint.

Appreciate your understanding.

@micjor the GraphQL Playground is fixed in Release v2.2.1 · redwoodjs/redwood · GitHub

Hi @dthyresson
Thank you - I have upgraded and all seems to be running now :slight_smile:

I’m experiencing the same issue. Just upgraded to Redwood v. 2.2.2 but the GraphQL Playground is still broken.
