What is the simplest way to get Redwood deployed as a publicly accessible site?

In preperation for the v1 launch soon, I’m helping update the Deploy Docs to welcome all the new Redwood.js users soon to join the community.

Based on the discussion in this Github Issue I’m looking for the simplest way to deploy a Redwood.js app as quickly as possible, with support for:

  1. web and api sides
  2. database migrations
  3. automated deploys from GitHub
  4. running database migrations when the db changes

There are bonus points if the solution is:

  1. Free
  2. Can go from rw create to rw deploy in under 10 minutes

I’m leaning towards suggesting Render.io, but recently tried a deploy and had to upgrade to their paid tier before the api service would build and deploy properly.

As part of my PR, I’m also going to move the service specific deployment directions into their own documents to make the deployment page simpler for new developers to understand.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome here, or on GitHub!

Netlify is still the deploy option in the tutorial. We wanted to switch to Render as well but we ran into the same problem—out of memory errors on the first deploy. :frowning:

Netlify has been super simple though, other than setting up a couple of environment variables (DATABASE_URL and SESSION_SECRET if you’re using dbAuth) you really just link to your GitHub repo and click a button!

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Ok. I’ll focus on using Netlify then and show a simpler version of what’s in the tutorial:

For the database, I noticed that we’re using Railway but mention that connection pooling could be an issue with Netlify and Railway. Supabase does require a sign up, but is the best free way to address these concerns that I’ve heard of.

I assume we’ll want to stick with Railway for the quick start guide, correct?

Also, is there a CTA we should be looking for here? I was thinking it might be fun to add a Tweet button or something to the start page that we could get people to use to share a link to their new Redwood site on Twitter or similair?

Alternatively, is there a good channel on Discord we should encourage them to share a screenshot on to celebrate their progress?

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You can even generate a link to build the environment variables for you with something like Hack the "Deploy to Netlify" Button Using Environment Variables to Make a Customizable Site Generator | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks.

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That’s a great suggestion @jacebenson. I wonder if there should be a way to include that in new apps?

I have it set up for my… project thing on tskr.io the “deploy” button generates a random session secret on the client but it still needs a postgresql connection string to build on single deploy. If you want to talk about it hit me up on Discord.