Vercel deployment auth.js not found

I have a redwoodjs project deployed on Vercel. I ran into this issue ~1.5 months ago, where the app could no longer deploy on Vercel: ~2 minutes after building, directly after migrations, I would get this error:

Error: File not found: /vercel/path0/api/src/functions/auth.js

Strangely, trying to redeploy prior versions (that previously deployed without any issues) also led to this error. I sort of chalked this up to an error on Vercel/RedwoodJS, but the issue still persists 40 days later. Couldn’t find any similar issues online and also strange given that I use ts and not js (and that’s reflected in my Vercel settings). No local issues either.

Can you share a link to a repo or your Vercel config and toml?

Is your redwood.toml file, setting `apiUrl = "/api”

Thanks for the response. Here is redwood.toml:

`# This file contains the configuration settings for your Redwood app.

This file is also what makes your Redwood app a Redwood app.

If you remove it and try to run yarn rw dev, you’ll get an error.

For the full list of options, see the “App Configuration: redwood.toml” doc:

App Configuration | RedwoodJS Docs

title = “RedwoodApp”
port = 8910
apiUrl = “/api”
includeEnvironmentVariables = [
# Add any ENV vars that should be available to the web side to this array
# See Environment Variables | RedwoodJS Docs
port = 8911
open = true
versionUpdates = [“latest”]`

Here are my Vercel settings:

Framework preset: RedwoodJS
Build command: yarn rw deploy vercel
Install command: corepack enable && yarn set version 3.7.0 && yarn install
NodeJS Version: 20.x

(Relevant) env variables:

Also we and Vercel recently fixed an issue where the way Redwood projects are built:


And that could explain the 2 minute build time.

I’d make sure you have the latest vercel/redwood package (was fixed a month ago)

Thanks. I’m not entirely sure how these help solve the issue, however. No part of my code has changed – I am simply getting the following error when I try to deploy on Vercel: File not found: /vercel/path0/api/src/functions/auth.js

I tried upgrade my Redwood version to 8.4. However, I get the following error:

`[commonjs–resolver] Missing “./dist/toast” specifier in “@redwoodjs/web” package


The solution offered in this link does not work, as I get the same error. And installing the react-hot-toast pacage directly does not work, as the above ./dist/toast specifier error occurred at deployment.

Bumping this because it’s still not working. No changes were made to my code – I can’t redeploy code that was previously deployed (with no issues) on Vercel. I still get the same error with Error: File not found: /vercel/path0/api/src/functions/auth.js.