Supabase Auth errors on RW 8

Hi team, getting auth errors using supabase auth after upgrading to RW 8. Have reproduced in a repo below.

Project on Netlify:
Repo: GitHub - hamishirving/rw-8-supabase-auth

Steps to reproduce locally:

  1. Create clean project yarn create redwood-app
  2. Setup supabase auth yarn rw setup auth supabase
  3. Follow steps in supabase auth how to guide Supabase Auth | RedwoodJS Docs
  4. Sign up a user
  5. Login with your credentials
  6. See error Unsupported authentication method and message in the console
"message": "Exception in getAuthenticationContext: No Supabase session found",
"stack": "Error: Exception in getAuthenticationContext: No Supabase session found\n    at onContextBuilding...

System info

    OS: macOS 15.1.1
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.18.1 - /private/var/folders/wx/14qkqkgs6lx4fpxzqbl6k_3h0000gn/T/xfs-1d3e9167/node
    Yarn: 4.4.0 - /private/var/folders/wx/14qkqkgs6lx4fpxzqbl6k_3h0000gn/T/xfs-1d3e9167/yarn
    SQLite: 3.43.2 - /usr/bin/sqlite3
    Chrome: 131.0.6778.109
    Safari: 18.1.1
    @redwoodjs/auth-supabase-setup: 8.4.1 => 8.4.1 
    @redwoodjs/core: 8.4.1 => 8.4.1 
    @redwoodjs/project-config: 8.4.1 => 8.4.1 
      title = "Redwood App"
      port = 8910
      apiUrl = "/.netlify/functions"
      includeEnvironmentVariables = [
        # Add any ENV vars that should be available to the web side to this array
        # See
      port = 8911
      open = true
      versionUpdates = ["latest"]

Hi Hamish. Are you still having this issue? If so, I’ll try to take a look later this week

Hi Tobbe, be great if you could take a look, experiencing the issue after upgrading Strive to RW8 and have reproduced with fresh install too. Understand you’re pretty busy atm!

Hi folks, any chance of being able to take a look at this? Be surprised if didn’t affect others using Supabase Auth on v8. Thanks

hi, @hamishirving could you figure it out? I have 3 separate up to date redwood projects that run like a charm, and one freshly installed doesn’t. (all with supabase)

hi @akosbalogh no progress yet, curious if you made any specific changes to your supabase auth on your existing projects as part of upgrading?