[Solved] How do I update the .redwood folder for the new items I've copied from another project?

So if I start a new 0.33 project and I copy a bunch of components/pages/cells/etc from a 0.32 project I see that the .redwood folder structure has changed from the 0.32 project

How do I update the .redwood folder for the new items I’ve added ?

I did a yarn rw prisma generate and the .redwood folder updated for the services and api side…

I see it’s listed in the .gitignore

so I should be able to delete it…


“Pages” are now tracked via file elsewhere in the .redwood folder

deleting the .redwood folder and starting up dev again yarn rw dev solved the problems.

As always - Redwood is easier if you don’t try so hard !!



@ajoslin103 - this issue is a perfect example of the need for a new tool, I described as “rw-doctor” here. The need to maintain the content of various “hidden file” after the project creation seems obvious.