Sass not working with prerender

Hey there, I am having problems with prerender when trying to use pages which import and use scss.

I have a layout called ShellLayout . In this layout I import and use Sass via import classes from './ShellLayout.module.scss' . This works fine in dev and the built version without prerender on any route, but when I add prerender to a route and try to do a dry run of prerendering a page I get the following (made shorter for brevity):

❯ yarn rw prerender --dry-run --verbose     
::: Dry run, not writing changes :::
[STARTED] Prerendering /privacy -> web/dist/privacy.html

You can use `yarn rw prerender --dry-run` to debug

---------- Error rendering path "/privacy" ----------
ReferenceError: classes is not defined
    at ShellLayout (/Users/oreid/Code/project-ibis-rw-dev/web/src/layouts/ShellLayout/ShellLayout.tsx:141:15)

Is there something I need to do to add support for SASS in prerender or is this not possible? Let me know if you’d like any more details about my project.