San Francisco Meetup Summer 2023

@dom and @mojombo are in the early stages of planning a RedwoodJS San Francisco meetup.

Who’s interested? Who’s available to help organize?!?

Definitely interested

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Linked here in Discord - Anthony and Natey are interested as of 06/05.

Suggesting the week of July 17th.

In general, what day of the week do people prefer?

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

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Not sure if we’re going to be able to pull this off! Would need to be next month before the conference.

Maybe something even more casual, e.g. no presentations — would that be of interest?

Not helpful for this but I’d be interested in a Seattle meetup! :slight_smile:

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What say you @crabasa — want to host the first RedwoodJS Seattle Meetup?

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