Redwood’s testing infra is solid, and you can get a lot out of following the grooves they’ve set up. However, for me, it is slow, so after trying it out a bit - I stopped writing any tests.
This “ignore writing tests” technique, uh, doesn’t scale with codebase complexity. I need to be able to run all tests on a pre-commit without feeling like I should leave the terminal tab. So, what do?
Once my work on type generation was stable, I started to dig into recreating the testing environment from scratch. I’m now a few re-writes in, have sheared it to the bare minimums and have stablized on a testing technique which has: fast tests, runs in wallaby.js, and the tests themselves feel like they’re at the right abstraction layer.
The technique
First you have to change your jest config to not use any of the redwood config, this is done by editing the jest.config.js
files redwood sets up. The web
one I just commented out entirely. My api/jest.config.js
looks like:
const path = require("path")
const { getPaths } = require("@redwoodjs/internal/dist/paths")
const rwjsPaths = getPaths()
const config = {
rootDir: rwjsPaths.base,
roots: [path.join(rwjsPaths.api.src)],
displayName: {
color: "blueBright",
name: "api",
modulePaths: ["<rootDir>/api/"],
transform: {
"^.+\\.(t|j)sx?$": ["@swc/jest"],
if (process.env.DEBUG?.includes("wallaby")) config.runner = "jest-runner"
module.exports = config
This sets up the paths correctly, and tells jest to use swc to transpile the TS/JS files. You likely need to run yarn workspace api add @swc/core @swc/jest
. You could also use the esbuild + Jest infra instead. This will now run your test files with zero Redwood runtime trickery.
Testing Whats
To test a resolver with no faff, you need 3 essentials:
- The right types for your resolver exports
- A way to handle the prisma
- A way to handle the globals from Redwood
OK then:
I made it so that my type generator would give only one potential export for an async resolver from a service in 1.1.0 of @orta/redwood-codegen-api-types meaning you don’t have to do any narrowing (or use an
) to get the right types for a resolver in a test file. -
After bouncing through many ideas (‘mock all API calls’, ‘use sqlite version in tests’, ‘DI in a replacement for
’) I eventually settled on deciding I would have to build my own in-memory replica of the prisma API - I was delighted to find others who had made the same call already in prisma-mock. I sent a minor PR or two their way to get a few of my usecases in and it has been very solid. -
This one is easy, set the globals yourself via a function:
const setContext = (context: { currentUser?: Partial<InferredCurrentUser> }) => { // @ts-ignore global.context = context }
This is effectively what that API is doing under the hood anyway.
Testing Hows
I’ll show you two test files to use as examples. These files show everything in one file, obviously you’re free to abstract how you want.
This first one is really all about how reads from the db, so we only set up the prisma db once in a beforeAll
to save time:
import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"
import { mockDeep } from "jest-mock-extended"
import createPrismaMock from "prisma-mock"
import { db } from "src/lib/db"
import { generateNewsItems } from "./generateNewsItems"
// We make sure that the import for `db` returns a deep mock
// (which is a mock + proxies for arbitrary read/writes)
jest.mock("src/lib/db", () => ({
db: mockDeep(),
// Our setup code, which sets up the db with the all of the
// fixtured data:
beforeAll(async () => {
await createPrismaMock({}, Prisma.dmmf.datamodel, db as any)
await Promise.all([
db.user.createMany({ data: users }),{ data: games }),
db.stats.createMany({ data: stats }),
describe( + " with fixtured data", () => {
it("gets stats for a particular game", async () => {
const game = await{
where: { slug: "tic-tac-toe" },
include: { game: true, stats: true },
const items = await generateNewsItems(game)
// ... and so on for tests
const games: Prisma.GameCreateManyArgs["data"] = [...]
const users: Prisma.UsersCreateManyArgs["data"] = [...]
// ... and so on for fixtures
I’ve been fixturing with real data, so I use the JSON export for the useful rows from my db and then paste them into the arrays seen at the bottom of the file. If/when I re-use them, I’ll move them into their own file.
The next test suite is more of a ‘check the thing changed’ set of tests
import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"
import { mockReset } from "jest-mock-extended"
import createPrismaMock from "prisma-mock"
import { db } from "src/lib/db"
import { Game } from "src/lib/types/shared-return-types"
// yikes right? but you'd likely hide this with setContext in a test/lib folder
import { InferredCurrentUser } from "../../../../.redwood/types/includes/all-currentUser"
import { updateGame } from "./updateGame"
// Create a new db for each test in the file
beforeEach(() => {
return createPrismaMock({}, Prisma.dmmf.datamodel, db as any)
const setContext = (context: { currentUser?: Partial<InferredCurrentUser> }) => {
// @ts-ignore
global.context = context
describe(, () => {
let game: Game
beforeEach(async () => {
game = await{
data: {
id: "tic-tac-toe:game",
slug: "tic-tac-toe",
state: "WIP"
it("lets admins update state", async () => {
setContext({ currentUser: { id: "user-123", roles: ["user", "admin"] } })
const updatedGame = await updateGame({ id:, input: { state: "Ready" } })
it("throws an error if the user is not an admin", async () => {
setContext({ currentUser: { id: "user-123", roles: ["user"] } })
await expect(updateGame({ id:, input: { state: "Accepted" } })).rejects.toThrow(
"You don't have permission to change that"
As things are changing in this one, we use a beforeEach
to clear the db on each test, and then the describe
to make a new object to see how it changes. Optionally you can use the prisma APIs to re-grab the object in the test, but that’s all your call.
This setup to me drops a tonne of features from Redwood’s testing suite, in favour of speed and lets you write tests which look like your app code - the types are nearly all handled for you, and you’re mostly relying on understanding how Jest works to test your app instead. Trade-offs.