RedwoodJS v7, BullMQ & Bullboard

I thought it would be helpful to see, now with the ability to easily configure the server with fasify plugins, I was able to add BullMQ & the BullBoard for monitoring in just a couple quick easy steps.

  1. Use the fastify plugins GitHub - felixmosh/bull-board: 🎯 Queue background jobs inspector
  2. Configure your server.ts file like this RedwoodJS v7 Server Config with BullMQ & BullBoard ¡ GitHub

and you’re in business


Psyched to hear, that’s exactly what it’s for!

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This was a godsent as I recently discovered I’d have to compute some heavy data and wanted to find a way to externalize that to a worker. I just learned about message queues and Kafka or RabbitMQ seem like overkill but your solution really helped me out. Thank you!


We’re working on it! :slight_smile:


Oh my god this made my night. That is so amazing. Especially this line:

Decoupling the jobs from their backends means you can swap out backends as your app grows, or even use different backends for different jobs!

If I have a very large database update I’d love to run that on another container that processes jobs so my api backend isn’t overloaded in production as multiple requests will be hitting it during heavy workload.

The future is amazing. The future is RedwoodJS :rocket:

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