RedwoodJs and React Native

Hey guys, creator of Solito here. Glad the talk was useful. @glowy sent this thread my way.

I wouldn’t, personally. React Navigation has worked through the many kinks of native navigation over the years. Unlike the Web, native is full of opinionated, platform-specific UI and challenging patterns. React Navigation’s implementation is very strong and well-maintained.

One place it lacks is, well, the API. Once you build a massive app with tons of routes, the many nested navigators can get hard to manage.

Luckily, there is a file-system router in development at Expo which will wrap React Navigation with a Next.js/Remix-style router. File-system routing is a useful step for enforcing a URL mental model in general. This new router will play nicely with Solito.

Long-story-short, I wouldn’t recommend building a new navigation library. If you guys are experts in routing, I highly recommend offering to help Evan Bacon in his quest to bring file-system routing and code-splitting to React Native. He’s already made big strides with Metro (React Native’s bundler). I spent some time with him in person working on the API and it got me excited for the future of RN’s routing.

I’m not too familiar with how Redwood works, but spinning something up like solito-redwood is one approach you could take to bridge the Redwood router with React Navigation. In addition to the Next.js talk linked to above, the Methodology and Gradual Adoption pages of the Solito docs may offer some help as you think through the best solution.