I think it needs a Search Box, but I’m not sure how to make that work in what seems like a markup site? (apologies if I’m missing something basic here)
This site exists as separate and parallel to the official docs site only until it gets merged into the official one. At. that time it will be “covered” by the exiting Algolia search
It’s very cool that PRs result in Preview deployment – that’s excellent! Do those get torn down automatically when the PR is closed? The email it sent was missing a link to the deployment (which is available when you follow the link to the deploy log) --but that email was awesome, showing up after I created the PR!
Credits for that belong to GitHub (unless I misunderstood you )
Status on 04/19/2022
The docs website reached the “first complete draft” status. The how to section is the exception to this status - being the key part of the docs website will be the area of focus now.
Any comments - please add to this thread or to this list of issues.