Proper perception of RWJS

I tried to use RedwoodJS two years ago, without knowing Jamstack, React, Next, Nuxt, Gatsby and several others. My previous experience included jQuery and Aurelia, so after running through Redwood Tutorial I, i did not properly understand the beauty of RedwoodJS design, best expressed in this

Prediction: within 5 years, you’ll build your next large scale, fully featured web app with #JAMstack and deploy on @Netlify. —@mojombo • 9 July 2018

I was also not aware of @mojombo’s ability to create a series of world class products, each with a different and still terrific team of collaborators.

So, I left RedwoodJS team to visit and practice all of the libraries and frameworks, liking most of them and maintaining my own set of wish-lists for all of them. At that point, based on my incomplete experience of Redwood, I nevertheless decided to use RedwoodJS to write an application being discussed for some time with my friend Sean Nolan, who is retired (like me) just because we can.

This is the point where the monkey jumps into water: in order to refresh my Redwood memories, after doing that I really do not understand how I failed to grasp what RedwoodJS offers. Could it be because the tutorials and all docs are a few orders of magnitude better, or by learning these other frameworks I got better understanding and appreciation of all tiny and large details where RedwoodJS shines …?

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So I guess it’s a welcome back? :stuck_out_tongue:

What are you building?

Few years back I got stuck in the corner working on a project that was far from having priority (Windows specific docs).

Now, its a very different situation, where I selected RWJS based on my own enthusiasm about is - I hope it shows in my post above :heart_eyes: In addition, I retired my Windows box, in favor of MacBook Pro, which provides a lot nicer development environment than I used for decades on Windows.

While I plan to keep my project in my head for some time, I want to start with my response to recent invitation to create something cool: a YouTube clone that is rather ambitious (will talk more about it later).

Thanks for your welcome, @noire.munich