Positioning of RedwoodJs - Comparison with other Frameworks

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I recently gave KeystoneJS a spin and wrote up a little post about it. Very interesting experience!

I found some of the conventions around deployment and database management a little counter intuitive after getting used to the Redwood workflow. But that doesn’t necessarily make them bad or wrong, just a little different! Will be curious to dig in more and see what it will take to get it deployed to Netlify.

Great work @JedWatson and team!

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For anyone stumbling upon this. Creating custom adaptors to map Apollo queries and mutations to React Admin Data Providers is actually very difficult and much more verbose than you would presume. React Admin is originally made to work with REST and it is of course possible to create these adaptors as I have done in a large project but you wont find it as graceful as your presumed when you chose React Admin. An example of building an adaptor for the list can be seen here: https://github.com/ryanmstokes/next-ts-ra-apollo/blob/main/react-admin/dynamic-query.tsx (a simple POC I built before starting a project). When you start to build the other adaptors things get really weird as you really need to manipulate the shape of your data to keep React Admin happy. The learning curve is steep for this despite the abundance of documentation. Hasura is definitely a good option as it uses introspection out of the box and should save a lot of the pain involved.


This absolutely mirrors my experience, thank you for following up and sharing.