Passing general parameters to cell


I have a Cell which generates a SelectField, which has the users it gets by a query as options.
I also pass field of an object as the value for the SelectField, which works fine.

export const Success = (
  { users }: CellSuccessProps<FindUsers>,
) => {
  return (
<UserSelectionCell value={props.note?.executorId} label="Test Label" />

My Problem is, I also have to pass the label for the component. But the variable ends up as undefined.

Whats the correct way to pass parameters to a cell for this purpose? And why does it work for the value but not for the label?

Hey @mkqfs your props are automatically passed along where you are restructuring your users so instead of what you are doing try

export const Success = ({ users, value, label }: CellSuccessProps<FindUsers>) => {}

In case anyone else is looking for how to make this Typescript compliant, instead of destructuring each individual cell prop, you’ll want to destructure the ‘variables’ prop. E.g. following on the example above, instead of:

export const Success = ({ users, value, label }: CellSuccessProps<FindUsers>) => {}


export const Success = ({ users, variables }: CellSuccessProps<FindUsers>) => {

or with nested destructuring

export const Success = ({ users, variables: { value, label } }: CellSuccessProps<FindUsers>) => {}