Oct 8th Meetup Recap: Recording, Topics, and Links

Thanks for attending October 8th’s meetup! In the spirit of Hacktoberfest we covered contributing “fullstack”: everything from docs to code! We’ll be announcing our next Meetup soon. Look for an announcement here and on Twitter.

Video Recording on YouTube

Video with timestamps here :tv:

Topic Recap and Links

Last reminder: ask for help! I did it; here’s my first-ever post: How to think about scaffolds? I was nervous just like you, but I had no reason to be–everyone was incredibly helpful. This post made me an open source contributor! And moreover, a way better developer.

One last shoutout to @olance who helped me get started. I’m paraphrasing his advice, but it was so succinct and helpful that it’s worth repeating

  • Don’t be scared. Look at the source code! You’re more than allowed to and nothing in there is beyond you.
  • Don’t give up! it’s going to be hard. You might not understand anything the first time you look at the source; or the second, or the third. I know I didn’t–my first contribution took me over a week. Take your time, don’t be afraid to break things, and of course ask for help!