Learn react, graphql, and redwood in a 6-week boot camp

I’m way too excited to announce that enrollment for my ReactJs, GraphQL, and RedwoodJs class is open! It’s technically a 6-week boot camp, but I hope you’ll be able to sign up and join me! All proceeds go to help other code newbies in Oklahoma.

You do not have to live in Oklahoma to participate, that’s just where I happen to live. Lol.


Congrats, this looks like a really awesome course! Do you plan on tying together the MongoDB parts from weeks 3&4 with the Redwood parts in 5&6?

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Really excited to see this @milecia! As I’ve mentioned before, if there’s anything we can do or any way we can help, please don’t hesitate to ask! And I would be very interested to hear an update after it’s complete about the pros/cons of teaching Redwood.

All donations will go to create tuition scholarships for future high-need OK Coders students

^^ Just amazing :star_struck: And for anyone else reading this I want to highlight the following sentence from the signup form:

it’s a “… donation-based / “pay what you choose” course covering React, GraphQL, and RedwoodJS

We know there are people from many different backgrounds and economic circumstances on these Forums. If you’re interested but concerned that cost is in the way, please contact @Milecia directly.

Last thought for now, Milecia — one lesson we’ve learned from teaching Redwood over the course of weeks is that you should make sure to “lock-in” the version of Redwood being used for the class. There can be new releases as often as once a week, which means new features and (sometimes) breaking changes.

Yep! That’s the plan. I actually start making the class this weekend so things might change, but the plan is to do that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for that pro-tip about the versions @thedavid! I’ll make sure to do that. And thanks for making me feel so welcome! :smile: If I run into anything I’ll let y’all know!

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Very cool! Sounds like even as someone who’s been using Redwood for a while I’d also learn a ton from the course.

Hey @thedavid,

I tried replying to your message, but I think I deleted it instead. :woman_facepalming:t5: And I can’t figure out how to message you, so would you mind sending another one? :upside_down_face:

Done! :laughing:

And you can initiate a DM to anyone if you click on their name/image. In the popup, you should see the Message button.

Hey! Just thought I’d let you know that as I’ve started making the class project, I see that we won’t be able to use MongoDB for the Redwood portion of the class because of some Prisma limitations. I’ll probably leave MongoDB in the class since it is commonly used with React and GraphQL in the wild. That way at least everyone will have some exposure to NoSQL databases. But we’ll be using Postgres for the Redwood portion.

My idea for a course!

Instead of MongoDB have you considered integrating with some Headless CMS providers like Contentful, GraphCMS, or Sanity?

Certainly it isn’t 100% NoSQL, but you’d still learn very similar skills in how to construct the models … and then either use an API or even just GraphQL to communicate between the RedwoodAPI side and its API.

And … it would reinforce the GraphQL skills needed for the Redwood web → api.

All best and let me know if need any help.

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@dthyresson ah, that’s a really interesting idea. Those solutions are used substantially in the React/GraphQL ecosystem and are very marketable integration skills. In general, for my reference as well, do you have thoughts on how to teach those things in a small enough, focused scope for instruction. They can be such a pain :grimacing:

@Milecia to your question, I saw your course outline early on and the flow made sense to me. MongoDB is important in this ecosystem and MongoDB Atlas is a fantastic product. Also, there are shared concepts with GraphQL that might it nice to use together. (As you know.) I felt like GraphQL made more sense to me because of using Mongo, fwiw.

Teaching Redwood requires more focus on Prisma for 1) data modeling and 2) CRUD mutations and 3) migrating a schema. So you won’t actually be digging much into Postgres other than setup. The concepts are important in general. And it’s also very marketable skill to have experience with Postgres, so this could make a fine intro.

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents worth :grin:

@dthyresson @thedavid Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions! :smile:

I think I agree with @thedavid about MongoDB since the GraphQL part won’t change a whole lot between the different databases. I’ve been working on the project for the class and :scream: Redwood is so easy to work with! The only thing I’ve been having a little problem with is getting Typescript to work, but that’s on my list for tomorrow so I might be back with questions on a different post. :slightly_smiling_face:

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TS support is not yet at 100%, especially when it comes to Generators. Most of the Web package will have TS support in the upcoming v0.20.0.

A good reference doc is the Redwood Roadmap — here’s the Typescript section with link to the respective GitHub Project: https://redwoodjs.com/roadmap#typescript

Lots will be changing over the next 2 months, which might make it tricky to bank on while planning for the course now.

Let us know how/if we can help.


Wow, I see I’m late a good week :frowning:
Any chance for an encore or late slip in?

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I want to thank you so much I am training every day to learn more. You are an excellent teacher.

Ricardo Fernandes


@Milecia how’s the boot camp going? Excited and curious to hear a report when you have the time.

Also wanted to make sure you saw the comment from @sugardayfox above. (And welcome to the community @sugardayfox! More things like this to come.)

Sorry I’ve missed all of the messages!

The class has been going really well. We have people from Oklahoma, South Carolina, and even Kenya! So far it’s been getting some pretty good feedback and I might offer it again, but I’m not sure yet. We’re just getting into the GraphQL section today and in a couple weeks we’ll finally get to the Redwood section!

I might have some questions about scaffolding in a few days because I haven’t quite gotten that to work yet.

@sugardayfox Unfortunately it’s too late to join the class. It filled up pretty quick in the beginning and no one’s dropped out so far. :confused:

@ricardofernandes Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad the class has been useful and I’ve been able to teach it well! That means a lot. :grinning:


Let me dust off this old thread with a new question: anyone know of a Redwood friendly Bootcamp that’s available soon (May or June 2023)?

I have entry level in mind. - college students that have not coded much.

I appreciate any ideas!