🔑 Learn authentication and unlock keys to Redwood!

We need your help!

The Playground Auth app needs some love an attention and it’s a great way to get started learning a small RW app, some UI, and how the different auth providers work.

Danny and I are finishing up some improvements to test that tokens refresh properly, but the team would greatly appreciate it if others could come in and:

  • learn and be a lead for each provider
  • rework the UI so that the experience isn’t as clunky and more organizer (and can scale to more providers better)
  • have some ideas to better test
  • keep up with RW upgrades

Anyone up for the challenge?


I’d be happy to help out! Auth is one of my favorite parts of RW. I can definitely help with the UI and can help out on the technical side a bit. I only have a couple of years of dev experience but very willing to learn more. :+1:



Auth is one of my favorite parts of RW.


I can definitely help with the UI

Perfect. That’s where it needs so much attention.

And I just saw that you posted a PR too. That was quick :wink:

Maybe a bit too quick … j/k … Danny and I will be committing a PR soon that adds those token refresh tests etc - so there may be some merge conflicts.

Adding Tailwind is a great first start.

I also completely agree with your ideas on separating out pages/tabs and also having some special page cases for redirects.

Thanks for throwing your hat into the ring and I’ll leave some notes in your PR as we work to make this small testbed much more user friendly and practical!


I’m down if you’ll have me! particularly interested in supabase

Is there already a vision for the overhaul? Or is it yet to brainstorm? :brain::cloud_with_lightning:


I’m down for maintaining the Azure Active Directory authentication (any support/backup here is welcome) and help keeping the version up to speed.

See if my PR RedwoodJS 0.22.1 to 0.28.4 might help you with the version upgrade to your Supabase PR.

Thanks, Claire!

Y … no.

The last of the fixes for GitHub - redwoodjs/playground-auth: This repo demonstrates all the authentication providers that Redwood supports to help test refresh tokens is going in today.

After than I think anyone can start adding issues and suggestions and then can assign or people can take up.

As I noted, the idea is to improve the overall UX and layout, but also:

  • Make it easier to test third-party OAuth (like GitHub for Supabase and Netlify, etc)
  • to test redirect options
  • better callbacks from auth (Auth0 and GitHub etc)
  • better info to audit any issues like token expiration etc.
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Actually, @danny is testing the refresh behavior with Azure and might reach out if any issues (but looked on from the code).

As part of this refresh token audit, we’ve upgraded it v29.

But, yes, definitely would want to include you as well to make sure Azure is still working as expected.


The idea to :key: Learn authentication and unlock keys to Redwood! is likely one of the best I encountered so far. It is important to make this statement as the explanation for my future participation (if such opportunity will still exist). At the moment, my plate is full with increasing the use of VSCode in RW application development context.

How could I contribute ?

Hi all and thanks for everyone’s interest!

We’ll have the Pull requests · redwoodjs/playground-auth · GitHub all merged in soon and then we’ll start adding issues to address.

@WizardSource DM me your GitHub username so I can me sure to include you when we create issues and then can get them assigned.

Sorry for the delay. We just wanted to fix up a token refresh case. Also, Tailwind has been added so should be able to get started using that for some UI improvements.

I know I’d love to see some modals – and now with https://headlessui.dev/ and some of the TailwindUI registration forms and containers and other components, this could start looking much nicer.

Stay tuned. Should be soon.


Ok, we are finally all merged an up-to-date in GitHub - redwoodjs/playground-auth: This repo demonstrates all the authentication providers that Redwood supports.

It now uses:

  • RW v30
  • Sets
  • Tailwind is configured

and several issues have been created and assigned: Issues · redwoodjs/playground-auth · GitHub

As people have ideas to improve, we can add issues and draft PRs and assign.

Thanks to all!


Hi @dthyresson my github is WizardSource · GitHub

Many thanks to @morganmspencer @clairefro and @WizardSource for some excellent UI and feature work that we just merged in and deployed.

If you haven’t seen it yet:


Don’t fret - now that we have a base UI up there will be many other improvements and opportunities to contribute and make this a true showcase.

Also - I’ll be posting three more ways you can contribute to Redwood that’s not necessarily coding in the framework itself. Info to come and in the Meetup today.


Awesome work everyone who contributed to this!

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