Introducing Redwood <> Render CLI Integration

We are excited to announce that starting with Redwood v0.31.0 there is first-class CLI integration with Render.

​Key benefits of Render include:

  • Fully managed PostgreSQL
  • Free static sites served over Render’s lightning-fast CDN backed by Fastly
  • US (Oregon) and EU (Frankfurt) regions for your API and database
  • Simple and predictable pricing

Existing Projects

To set up your existing projects for Render run the command:

yarn rw setup deploy render (for postgres)
yarn rw setup deploy render -d sqlite (for sqlite)

This will generate a render.yaml file for you to deploy as Infrastructure as Code on Render.

See Redwood and Render Docs for more information:

Demo Project

We have a demo voting app project running on Render that can be used as a starting point for your project.

Clone or fork our repo at: GitHub - render-examples/redwoodjs: Deploy RedwoodJS with Postgres on Render.

Watch the deployment of the voting app to Render at the Redwood Community Meetup:



So excited about this! Great work making it happen @SEANDOUGHTY

Sean’s demo app (above) is much more exciting than mine. But if you’re interested in seeing the Tutorial Blog Project on Render:


Hi everyone,

I am trying to use Render’s integration with Redwood, but I can’t get rid of multiple problems. I really like Render’s mission and I think it’s a shame and a lost opportunity if Redwood’s integration wasn’t as good as all other parts of Render.

Knowing that this is an “official” integration, I’d expect, I could just run the command and get it working. I’ve tried that, but I first struggled with

“Out of memory (used over 512MB)” error that I had to “silence” by changing the build command to

startCommand: yarn rw deploy render api --prisma=false --data-migrate=false

Now that I have that running, it seems like I got two different URLs ( and while Redwood expects the same API for both requests.

I hope I didn’t miss anything obvious and I’d be very grateful for any help.

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:


Funnily enough, I (think I) found a solution right after posting this - it seems like I pointed the rewrite URLs to my webapp url instead of the API url. Anyway, not sure if this is of any help.

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