Implementing Internationalization with Redwood.js

I have read this: Internationalization and would like to see if there are any updates to this feature. Like Routing: Internationalization | Next.js, I imagine a workflow where

/ → Home
/ko-KR → Home in Korean (same content)
/ja-JP → Home in Japanese (same content)

… without any further modifications. Would this be possible?

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@simoncrypta @noire.munich any thoughts here?

I just came home. To add more context —

  1. Every page will have a subpath routing. For example, if we have an AboutPage at /about, naturally, ko-KR/about and ja-JP/about will be generated.
  2. commands like yarn rw i18n extract would be helpful. This will extract every hard-coded string and separate them into a JSON file, which we can use for crowd-source translations.
  3. each internationalized path should have HTTP content negotiation and hreflang properties for internationalized SEO support.

We had some discussion about optional path parameter that can be used for i18n like you probably already read on the other post.

For now, what it’s possible is to use query string parameter (, or require the language on every subpath,

<Route path="/{lang:String}/about" page={aboutPage} name="aboutPage" />

Otherwise, yarn rw setup i18n give you everything to start using react-i18next

You will need to use the subpath prop to update the i18n hook

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Is it possible to use SSR with the provided method?

Ok, I think this is the best middle ground we can do now:

Is it possible to use routes to retrieve the current working directory (pathname)?