How are we handling nested routes in redwood

Hi all,
I was going through the docs and was a bit confused about how are we handling the nested routes in redwood js… is it like

  1. generate page
  2. move them to to respective directories
  3. run generate type command

Is there any better way to do it?

There is not really a thing in redwood js as nested routes. We keep the routes file flat on purpose.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Now that I think of it, it was a stupid question. That’s how we learn! Thanks again!

Hi! I don’t think it’s a stupid question at all. Nested routes are a powerful feature in Next.js, as they provide better organization, especially when dealing with many nested pages/routes.

I create them just like in React:

Step 1 :

Create your root page with:

yarn redwood generate page account /account

Step 2 :

Create your nest page with

yarn rw g page edit /account/edit

Step 3 :

Manually move the nested EditPage folder in the root AccountPage.

At this point, the Routes.tsx will not find your EditPage(nested in AccountPage).

Step 4 :

Import your EditPage in the Routes.tsx

import EditPage from ‘src/pages/AccountPage/EditPage/EditPage’


I don’t know if there is a better way of doing it or if it has a negative effect on performance. I think it’s also possible with components, but personally, I don’t use them for this purpose.

If there is a better way to implement nested routes/pages, please let me know.

it has negative effects