Graphql server crashed

I ran yarn rw dev api and got this message returned
api | :warning: GraphQL server crashed
api |
api |
api | :rotating_light: Error Info
api |
api | {}
api |
api | :pancakes: Error Stack
api |
api | Error: Unknown type “PaymentStatus”.
api |
api | Unknown type “PaymentStatus”.

now I have an enum PaymentStatus added in my schema.prisma file generated and migrated it i also added it with a default value in my file for the graph that resolves mutation but for some reason the graph cant querry it please help me

import type { QueryResolvers, MutationResolvers } from ‘types/graphql’

import { db } from ‘src/lib/db’

export const invoices: QueryResolvers[‘invoices’] = () => {
return db.invoice.findMany()

export const invoice: QueryResolvers[‘invoice’] = ({ id }) => {
return db.invoice.findUnique({
where: { id },

export const createInvoice: MutationResolvers[‘createInvoice’] = async ({
}) => {
try {
// Log input data to see what’s being received
console.log(‘Received input:’, input)

// Create the invoice with the status set to 'Unpaid'
const result = await db.invoice.create({
  data: {
    status: 'Unpaid', // Set the payment status to "unpaid"

// Log the result or other relevant data
console.log('Created invoice:', result)

return result

} catch (error) {
// Log any errors that occur
console.error(‘Error creating invoice:’, error)
throw error

export const updateInvoice: MutationResolvers[‘updateInvoice’] = ({
}) => {
return db.invoice.update({
data: {
status: ‘Paid’, // Set the payment status to a valid value
where: { id },

export const deleteInvoice: MutationResolvers[‘deleteInvoice’] = ({ id }) => {
return db.invoice.delete({
where: { id },