Getting user is missing error on Tutorial Chapter 7

Hello, I’ve been working on the tutorial and ran into some issues. I reset my commit so I can better pinpoint the errors. In section 2 of chapter 7, after seeding the database there is a resolver applied to posts.js. This is when the tests fail and I have multiple errors that say argument 'user is missing. I have verified the schema and that the database has the correct fields. I have included one of the test failure messages. Any help would be appreciated.

● posts › deletes a post

Invalid `getProjectDb()[model].create()` invocation in

  176     createArgs(scenarios)
  177   )
  178 } else {
→ 179   scenarios[model][name] = await getProjectDb()[model].create({
          data: {
            title: "String",
            body: "String",
        +   user: {
        +     create: UserCreateWithoutPostsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutPostsInput,
        +     connectOrCreate: UserCreateOrConnectWithoutPostsInput,
        +     connect: UserWhereUniqueInput
        +   }

Argument `user` is missing.

  at yn (node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:116:5852)
  at wn.handleRequestError (node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6429)
  at wn.handleAndLogRequestError (node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:6119)
  at wn.request (node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:123:5839)
  at l (node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:128:9763)
  at seedScenario (node_modules/@redwoodjs/testing/config/jest/api/jest.setup.js:179:36)
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@redwoodjs/testing/config/jest/api/jest.setup.js:129:28)