≫ yarn --version
≫ node --version
macOS Catalina 10.15.3
Not sure what’s going on - any suggestions?
≫ yarn --version
≫ node --version
macOS Catalina 10.15.3
Not sure what’s going on - any suggestions?
Sorry about the trouble but definitely want to help figure out what’s going on. Some questions:
"@redwoodjs/core": "^0.1.0"
yarn rw db save
and then yarn rw db up
prior to this?If “yes” is the answer to the above, could you copy the error output you see when you try the command?
note: edited title so others can find the topic as well
Apologies for the confusion - I tried to import a more complex schema. I got a flash of an error:
Cannot create property 'context' on string 'No schema definition found for `CafeServer`'
This might have something to do with a model cafe_server
which I have imported from an existing schema. Is snake_case supported?
Note I was only able to see the error by screen recording and pausing - is there any way to run a command verbosely?
Ah, that does change things. Do take a look at this Issue and see if you’re experiencing the same (you trailblazer you ):
Off the top of my head snake case should be fine but let’s ask @rob 'cause he’s the master of how we handle naming-all-the-things.
Hey @victormoukhortov when are you seeing this error? On the command line when generating? In the web inspector when trying to go to your generated pages?
And are you talking about snake_case in one of the commands like yarn rw g scaffold cafe_server
or something in the schema file itself is snake_case, like a column or model name?