Exclude A Directory From yarn rw dev

I am attempting to exclude a directory when running

yarn rw dev

Because it has 100s of gigabytes of data in it, which causes the file watcher to run out of memory shortly after launch. The simplified project structure looks like:


I have attempted to ignore this in the following ways:

Editing redwood.toml to have:

ignore = "/staticfiles/**"

Editing web/config/webpack.config.js to have:

config.watchOptions.ignored = ['**staticFiles/**']

Editing api/server.config.js to have:

 * This file allows you to configure the Fastify Server settings
 * used by the RedwoodJS dev server.
 * It also applies when running the api server with `yarn rw serve`.
 * For the Fastify server options that you can set, see:
 * https://www.fastify.io/docs/latest/Reference/Server/#factory
 * Examples include: logger settings, timeouts, maximum payload limits, and more.
 * Note: This configuration does not apply in a serverless deploy.

/** @type {import('fastify').FastifyServerOptions} */
const config = {
  requestTimeout: 15_000,
  logger: {
    level: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'debug' : 'warn',
    ignored: ['**/staticFiles/**'],
module.exports = config

But nothing seems to work. Where and how should this be implemented?

Additionally I would like to increase the amount of memory accessible by the api server when running. On other apps I’ve been able to simply do

node --max-old-space-size=XXXX app.js

But I am not sure how to pass this argument along either.

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May I ask why you need or want “100s gigabytes of data” in a public web folder?

Won’t that be taxing on deploys and also tough to store in GitHub etc?

Have you considered keeping that data in an S3 bucket instead?

You can put a CDN atop it and have quick access, too.

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  1. It isn’t in a public folder unless you are telling me that when redwoodjs run the dev server that everything inside of the entire project is part of the public path? It is at the same level as the node_modules folder inside the project.

  2. It is a large amount of geographical imaging data that the company doesn’t want colocated, it is all being hosted on prem.

  3. I don’t store it in GitHub and it is excluded from my deployment setup.

Do these questions mean my request is not possible with RedWoodJS?

I don’t have an answer for your specific question, but I don’t believe David is saying it’s not possible. Seems he’s trying to figure out what your trying to accomplish by doing it this way. It might be better to not put large amount of data inside a project, rather keep it on the same server and just point web-server to it.

I can move it out of the general project folder as a fix, but then it is no longer viewable within my IDE if I want to reference the file structure.

I am still curious about the second question though. For reference I am running on Windows.

  1. It isn’t in a public folder unless you are telling me that when redwoodjs run the dev server that everything inside of the entire project is part of the public path? It is at the same level as the node_modules folder inside the project.

No this isn’t the case. Just to clarify that point a bit further, are you referencing the files in the staticFiles folder in the api side or web side? In the web sides case, importing them into components, pages, etc?

Also, for some clarification, how is the React app accessing the imaging data?

Is it being served by the api side and fetched from a serverless function?

Or is a page of component importing the file directly?

Edit: @dom beat be to asking the same question :slight_smile:

They are requested from the web side via an API call and streamed to the end user from a custom Redwood function. I don’t have the authentication functionality working yet on the custom function, but the idea is that the user roles will determine what files can be served to them for download. The code in the custom function is:

export const handler = async (event, context) => {
  var file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..','..', '..', `${event.path}`))

  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
      'Content-Length': file.length,
      'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=FILE_NAME_HERE,

    body: file.toString('base64'),
    isBase64Encoded: true,

All of this works as is, it was mostly a convenience factor of making sure my directory traversal was all correct while writing code from the IDE without having to open another window. I’ve got to add some authentication and authorization checks before going live but that is all that is left.

The only problem I have now is the Node memory settings that I’d like to be able to change.

My concern for this approach is that if you intend to load the file as a serverless function then you run into limits of lambdas:

  • 1024MB of memory
  • 10 second execution limit for synchronous functions

You are loading the entire file into memory rather than reading as and outputting as a stream.

This will be a memory issue even if you deploy serverful.

While the RedwoodJS api-server in non-serverless is backed by Fastfiy, I’d have to see if it can be configured to server or even stream files: redwood/withWebServer.ts at 13fbf296e3b3c313be7d454b936dfa0b6bd17ba0 · redwoodjs/redwood · GitHub

We are currently revisiting the Fastify implementation to make it easier to configure and register ones now plugins.

I plan on using it serverful, not serverless.

Luckily the files being served are never more than 1 MB, most are less than 50 Kbs even. In testing it has streamed the data faster than my previous setup using Express with sendFile().

I believe the memory allocation for the API call is per request and released once complete? If so I don’t think it will be an issue with how small the files being sent are.