There’s a certain amount of polish needed to write docs on GH, but what I can do to help is write a summary here and add a link in the GH
Build auth endpoint into the api
Write the SDL
In my case I was building phone auth stored in the local database. Design your SDL and put it in /api/src/graphql/auth.sdl.js
# Passwordless example
type Mutation {
authChallenge(input: AuthChallengeInput!): AuthChallengeResult
authVerify(input: AuthVerifyInput!): AuthVerifyResult # Should return a token
# Username/password example
type Mutation {
authRegister(input: AuthRegisterInput!): AuthRegisterResult
authLogin(input: AuthLoginInput!): AuthLoginResult # Should return a token
authVerify(input: AuthVerifyInput!): AuthVerifyResult
authForgotPassword(input: AuthForgotPasswordInput!): AuthForgotPasswordResult
Write the Service
In /api/src/services/auth/auth.js
export const authChallenge = async (input) => { return { success: true } }
// ...etc
Write a token validator and user resolver
In /api/src/lib/auth.js
import { AuthenticationError } from '@redwoodjs/api'
export const getCurrentUser = async (token) => {
// Resolve and return user record
export const requireAuth = () => {
if (!context.currentUser) {
throw new AuthenticationError("You don't have permission to do that.")
Add the user resolver to the GraphQL endpoint
In /api/src/functions/graphql.js
import { getCurrentUser } from 'src/lib/auth' // Add this line
export const handler = createGraphQLHandler({
getCurrentUser, // Add this line
schema: makeMergedSchema({
services: makeServices({ services }),
onException: () => {
// Disconnect from your database with an unhandled exception.
Authenticate via HTTP Headers!
Add Authorization: Bearer TOKEN
and replace TOKEN with your token value
Add Auth-Provider: custom
Viola! You should be able to authenticate using a custom provider now.
Implement Frontend Client
I haven’t implemented this, but you’ll also need to implement the UI to hit your backend endpoints.