Creating scenarios involving multiple models in typescript


Just getting started in Redwood, and really enjoying it. I am trying to create scenarios that involve multiple models (like . I am a little stumped as to whether there is an easy way to set this up. Possibly points to my limited understanding of typescript.

For example, I wanted to take the generated item for a user:

export const standard = defineScenario<Prisma.UserCreateArgs>({
  user: {
    one: { data: { hashedPassword: 'String', salt: 'String' } },
    two: { data: { hashedPassword: 'String', salt: 'String' } },

and instead also create some items such as:

export const standard = defineScenario<Prisma.UserCreateArgs>({
  user: {
    one: { data: { hashedPassword: 'String', salt: 'String' } },
    two: { data: { hashedPassword: 'String', salt: 'String' } },
 accountGrouping: {
    one: { data: { title: 'ag1' } },
    two: { data: { title: 'ag2' } },

but I am unsure what I could put into the type to allow this to work. I guess I could extend the type so the “data” includes both options, but that doesn’t seem correct. I tried creating my own type but that also didn’t work.

type standardScenarioType = {
  user: Record<string | number | symbol, Prisma.UserCreateArgs>
  accountGrouping: Record<
    string | number | symbol,

Any thoughts / suggestions. I know this is a minor thing, but I am interested in teh correct way to help me understand typescript. Failing all else I may just switch these files to javascript, as they don’t really need to be typescript.

Welcome to the Redwood forums @qwacko!

Yes, the typescript has to change a bit, and there is a Redwood issue with respect to this.

Please see

which describes the issue and how I worked around it. Please review the sample code in the issue and hopefully that will help.