CLI Command Plugins

CLI Command Plugins

The redwood CLI has experimental support for extending the commands available.

This feature should be available in version 6.3.0 and is currently available in our next, rc and canary releases.


We want you to be able to have additional commands available at the redwood CLI that we might not ship with by default. This allows developers to use and develop additional commands to fill niches we might have left open.

We also want to make it super smooth for your favourite tools to give you extra commands you want. E.g. If you wanted to create a new cron job for defer then why shouldn’t you be able to have something like?

yarn rw @defer cron 


You can explore this feature by using the experimental TOML configuration:

  autoInstall = true
    package = "@example/package"

The first line autoInstall = true tells the CLI that if you try to run a command from a plugin package which is not currently installed then it will attempt to install it for you. You can always install commands manually by yourself like you would for any other npm package you use.

The next lines are:

    package = "@example/package"

This tells Redwood to take the commands exported by the @example/package package and merge them into the CLI for you to use. The commands are merged under the @example scope so that it’s clear where commands are coming from. As an example if that @example/package package provided a hello-world command then you could run it by running the following command:

yarn rw @example hello-world

Okay so how do packages like @example/package actually tell the Redwood CLI about additional commands? All they need to do is export an array of yargs commands from their index called commands like so:

# index.ts or whatever the main file of the package is

export const commands = [
  { ... },
  { ... },

You’re free to use yargs exactly like you would normally and define all the commands you want. You don’t have to have them all in this index file as you can of course structure your plugin code however you like and imply import you commands into index file.

All the commands in that array will be merged into the Redwood CLI under the packages scope as the example above showed.

A very basic example of a package like this can be found at:

Side note

This is actually how the current yarn rw data-migrate and yarn rw storybook commands work. They are CLI plugins which are registered under the hood. This is why Redwood no longer ships with storybook in it’s dependencies making it take up >10% less disk space on a fresh install!

Known limitations

There are some limitation to what we can currently do with this experimental feature:

  1. Merging hierarchies of commands
    We often logically structure a CLI into a tree of commands which help us better understand and navigate the tool. Think of yarn rw setup which has a number of subcommands like yarn rw setup ui - which itself has subcommands like yarn rw setup ui tailwindcss.
    We currently are able to merge only simple hierarchies of commands when they are integrated from third party packages. This means all of the root commands a particular scope have to come from the same package. Here’s an example to make this easier to follow, both of the following commands must come from the same package:
    yarn rw @example setup feature-one
    yarn rw @example setup feature-two
    If you have one package which registers commands for yarn rw @example setup and then another tries to register more commands for yarn rw @example setup then you will only be able to use the commands from the first package which was registered.

  2. Scoped NPM packages
    We currently require that the packages which integrate command into the CLI are published under an NPM scope - which is the @name part of @name/package. There is no cost to publish packages like this but we understand sometimes this might introduce friction when permission to publish under a particular scope is limited.


As with all our experimental features, we’d like to hear any feedback you have on this! Good, bad, ugly we enjoy hearing it as it pushes us forward in the correct direction and let’s us make Redwood better.

The comments of this post is the best place to leave your feedback.

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