Building Thankful App with Redwood

Hey all,

After discovering the awesomeness of Redwood, I have decided to try out its features by building a mini journaling app and documenting it on my personal blog.

I call this application Thankful, the features will include:

  • User Registration and Login
  • Note creation, updating, deleting and querying
  • UI Components built with Chakra-UI

I will keep coming back to update this post with every new post added.

Ep1: Bootstrapping a RedwoodJS Application

Ep2: How to Add a Postgres Database and Generate Models in a Redwood App


Amazing work, @evansibok! Thanks so much for sharing your experience on your blog and let us know if there’s anything we could do to make Thankful even better.

Thank you @ajcwebdev. As I improve the app, if I need any help I’ll be sure to reach out. :grin:

Looking forward to following along!

Oh, I also suggest checking out the Redwood Makers group:

They have a weekly meetup on Discord (timezone might be challenging for you). But there’s a lot of async support as well.

Make sure you say hi and let that group know what you’re up to.

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Great! This should be fun :sweat_smile:

@ajcwebdev I noticed I can’t edit this anymore. I plan to keep updating it with new articles I write and I just finished publishing one. Any ideas how to go about this?

Ahh yeah, we should be able to modify the permissions, do you know how to do that offhand @thedavid?

I just bumped your “trust level” here on the Forums (it’s an automated process that levels-up user permissions as people engage over time). Give it a shot now and let me know if it doesn’t work.

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It works now. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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