AWS, GCP, Azure, and bare-metal K8s support for RedwoodJS

Hi all, I’m Cory ODaniel, one of the co-founders of Massdriver.

We presented at this week’s Partner Pitch.

Massdriver is a visual development platform for managing cloud infrastructure and applications. The platform is extendable using open-source tools like Helm, Terraform, and (soon) Pulumi.

You draw infrastructure; we manage secrets, infra provisioning, automatically configure alerts & monitors, build preview environments, DNS/TLS, manage audit trails, store deployment history, and (soon) cost management (this is a secret sshhh). All bundles in our public marketplace ship passing SOC2, HIPAA, CIS, and NIST compliance benchmarks.

Oh, and your diagram is your source of truth.

Massdriver supports serverless, vms, and containers - all in your cloud account. You can run your RedwoodJS applications on Azure, AWS, or GCP in any region the clouds offer.

We are currently working on a beta native integration for RedwoodJS and would love your feedback/participation.

The platform is always free for apps that use less than $500/mo of cloud, but we are offering RedwoodJS developers 3 months free of full platform access.

If you are interested in participating in our beta, send me an email: cory (at) massdriver (dot) cloud.


^^ @pi0neerpat @jeliasson thought you two might want to take a look given your custom GCP and Azure deploys, respectively.

I’m a big fan @coryodaniel Excited to see this progress :rocket:

If all goes well I’ll be moving to one of the clouds in about 2-3 months and would love to not need to hire a dev ops engineer anytime soon, this looks like it would help with that a lot!

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Drop me a line cory @ massdriver DOT cloud.

We just shipped our redwoodjs beta integration w/ some nice features for controlling costs between environments:

  • single checkbox support to move apps between real VMs and fargate
  • Postges (MySQL soon) between Aurora instances and Aurora Serverless

Its really great for low cost preview environments (we support those for infra & apps), staging envs, or if you just need the flex between vms & serverless in prod.

We really want some feedback on the integration, happy to offer some credits above and beyond our free tier for feedback.