Auth0 with multiple Roles setup

I have successfully setup basic Auth with Auth0 and RW. I want to add roles to the sign up process. I added a Role to a user in Auth0’s configuration panel called SuperAdmin, eventually I want to assign admin and other roles via the SuperAdmin panel in my app.

I have followed these two sections

When I run the Rules test in Auth0 I get the following object back

  "": {
    "authorization": {
      "roles": [
  "": {}

But when I use console.log('hasRole', hasRole('SuperAdmin'))
I get false

and I have added the following to my auth.js file

const NAMESPACE = ''

 const currentUserWithRoles = async (decoded) => {
   const currentUser = await userByUserId(decoded.sub)
   return {
     roles: parseJWT({ decoded: decoded, namespace: NAMESPACE }).roles,

export const getCurrentUser = async (decoded, { type, token }) => {
  try {
    requireAccessToken(decoded, { type, token })
    return currentUserWithRoles(decoded)
  } catch (error) {
    return decoded

I am not clear on how to assign Roles from within my app, not just in Auth0’s admin panel. And how to retrieve the roles that have been assigned after a user has signed in.


The second rule from the docs when I try and run it in tests it returns

Cannot read property 'groups' of undefined

from this Rule

function (user, context, callback) {
  var namespace = '';

  // adds to idToken, i.e. userMetadata in RedwoodJS
  context.idToken[namespace + 'app_metadata'] = {};
  context.idToken[namespace + 'app_metadata'].authorization = {
    groups: user.app_metadata.groups,
    roles: user.app_metadata.roles,
    permissions: user.app_metadata.permissions

  context.idToken[namespace + 'user_metadata'] = {};

  // accessToken, i.e. the decoded JWT in RedwoodJS
  context.accessToken[namespace + 'app_metadata'] = {};
  context.accessToken[namespace + 'app_metadata'].authorization = {
    groups: user.app_metadata.groups,
    roles: user.app_metadata.roles,
    permissions: user.app_metadata.permissions

   context.accessToken[namespace + 'user_metadata'] = {};

  return callback(null, user, context);

Update 2

I did notice in the jwt claims local storage I get the following {authorization: {roles: ["SuperAdmin"]}} {}

So not exactly sure here

So when I check the userMetaData

I get the following

{ "": { "authorization": { "roles": [ "SuperAdmin" ] } }, "": {}, "nickname": "anders", "name": "", "picture": "", "updated_at": "2021-12-17T02:02:27.298Z", "email": "", "email_verified": false, "sub": "auth0|6fdf" }

I noticed in the following sections

userByUserId does not exist as a function in auth.ts

const NAMESPACE = ''

const currentUserWithRoles = async (decoded) => {
  const currentUser = await userByUserId(decoded.sub)
  return {
    roles: parseJWT({ decoded: decoded, namespace: NAMESPACE }).roles,

and requireAccessToken does not exist either

export const getCurrentUser = async (decoded, { type, token }) => {
  try {
    requireAccessToken(decoded, { type, token })
    return currentUserWithRoles(decoded)
  } catch (error) {
    return decoded

I copied these from the Auth0 docs, so not sure where they are supposed to come from


Got it working turns out I needed to just amend the current getCurrentUser with the parse jwt role check

const NAMESPACE = ''

export const getCurrentUser = async (
  { token, type },
  { event, context }
) => {
  if (!decoded) {
    return null

  const roles = parseJWT({ decoded: decoded, namespace: NAMESPACE }).roles

  if (roles) {
    return { ...decoded, roles }

  return { ...decoded }

@anderskitson Thank you for posting this β€” both the question and answer! It’s really helpful for others as it adds to a growing, searchable knowledge base.

Looping in @dthyresson just to make sure he sees this.

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