Auth cookie not sent on Vercel with V8

Hi there!

I started a new project with RW v8 :hugs:, and wanted to host it on Vercel.

The project is on a dbAuth setup.
In local, everything is working fine, but on Vercel i have an auth issue.
After some explorations and after reading many articles about it i noted that the auth cookie is not sent with auth response on Vercel.

Seems to have something similar with Flightcontrol: App hosted with Flightcontrol, issue logging in/signing up - auth resetting cookie - #22 by Bennettbishop1
And also here: [Bug?]: Cookie/auth issues for vercel deployment on versions v8 + · Issue #11641 · redwoodjs/redwood · GitHub

I tried the solution proposed by @rob and @dthyresson about including credentials, but that not solve the issue.
I also played with cookie attributes in api/src/functions/auth.ts, but no combination of them works…
I’m using the vercel postgres db, but i don’t think it’s about the db connection, cause, i have no error, my auth transaction is responding ok (200). Juste the set-cookie is not sent then not stored, then redwood cannot detect the authenticated current user…

I created a similar repo to be able to demonstrate the issue:

And deployed it on vercel:

If anyone have any information to solve it, it could be marvelous! :smiley:

Thanks a lot in advance :wink:

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Looks like this may have been a problem specific to Vercel… there’s a PR that tries to fix it, not sure of the release date: fix(dbAuth): Don't use Multi Value Headers on Vercel by Tobbe · Pull Request #11718 · redwoodjs/redwood · GitHub

It’s already out in RW 8.4.1 :slight_smile: