App hosted with Flightcontrol, issue logging in/signing up - auth resetting cookie

Hey Rob, I have attached screenshots below. I notice the reference of the envar REDWOOD_WEB_URL. This variable isn’t defined anywhere in my codebase apart from my flightcontrol.json file, where it is defined as:

"envVariables": { "REDWOOD_WEB_URL": { "fromService": { "id": "redwood-web", "value": "origin" } },

I’ll look into simulating a multi-host production setup in development and see if that tells me anything. Thanks for your help.

Hmm, the <RedwoodApolloProvider> is missing the CORS config listed in our doc…you didn’t screenshot your web/src/auth.ts config but there’s a config that needs to be added in there as well:

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That config is what I was missing!! It’s up and running now with no sign up / log in issues. A few other bugs but those are all on my end! Thank you so much for your help.


Whew! Not gonna lie, I was getting pretty nervous there that we missed something when we built auth. Glad we figured it out!

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Man… good timing… I just ran into this as well and setting credentials in provider and auth client corrected things.

Appreciate it Rob.

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