Using instead of Netlify and Heroku

Here are some instructions for self hosting on

RedwoodJS is architected as monorepo with two separate sides, an “api side” and a “web side.” The api side is a NodeJS application and the web side is a static SPA (single page app). This works out great when hosting on because hosting a static site is free, and static content is served via super-fast CDN.

So we’re going to setup two sides on, but first you need to add some things to your RedwoodJS project.

Setup the “api” side.

  1. Install the api-server in your api side.
cd api
yarn add @redwoodjs/api-server
  1. Create a “health” function:

The health function is used by Render to check if your api side is running correctly.

// ./api/src/functions/healthz.js
export const handler = async () => {
    return {
        statusCode: 200

On, create a new "web service"

  1. Connect to your repository
  2. Environment is Node
  3. Build is yarn && yarn rw prisma migrate deploy && yarn rw build api
  4. Start is cd api && yarn rw-api-server --port 80
  5. Use a custom domain: “”

On, create a new "static site"

  1. Build is yarn && yarn rw build web
  2. Publish is ./web/dist
  3. Add rewrite and redirect rules: