Stripe + Redwood Integration package

Hello @WebstackBuilder :smile:

I am trying to help @chrisvdm (project lead of this rw-stripe integration package) so, I am having a favor to ask. Please check my today’s questions for @justinkuntz and respond to this discussions. My key issue is the one of approach to RedwoodJS-Stripe integration:

  1. The simplest one is described in article gatsby-source-stripe where Gatsby created a Stripe plugin, that support fetching the stripe data via Stripe API. The consequence is that our RW app, integrated with Stripe this way has to create the complete UX.

  2. The next level of integration is via stripe cli. Unsure how much this approach makes the integration saves time adds to better UX?

  3. The third approach is via Stripe Apps, just started beta

Which of these three would you advise us to take?