Separate generated services and SDL files from custom ones

You can still send books in the query, and only bookIds in the mutation - but its totally your choice if you prefer to do it this way and remove the typenames with your utility.

re: Select with1000s of options.

Here is the design pattern i use for a similar case:

  1. Page with a query section. The user can run the query mutation limiting the result (or no-criteria to get all items).
  2. Results are displayed in a table below the query section.
  3. User can process the results (i.e. select multiple table rows).

I have it fixed and it was mostly API / GraphQL issue. I did mention in related topic that I would be very grateful if anyone could verify if what I am doing in the repo is correct. Here’s the documentation I wrote describing how to connect React-Select (or any other component for that matter) to API and make it display related data inside a form:

Working with relational data in RedwoodJS Forms

While scaffolds provide a great way to start you will soon find that having no easy way to connect data between models is problematic.
This document describes how to create forms with select field that allows to display the data that is related to currently edited table.

There are multiple steps involved and I’ll list them here briefly and then we will learn how to implement it in our project.

  1. Create an input that will be compatibile with data that you expect to send from the form to API side.
  2. Modify the Update...Input input type to accept the related field data.
  3. Modify Edit...Cell to fetch data for select component.
  4. Modify Edit...Cell to update data.
  5. Modify Edit...Cell to strip fetched data of __typename added by Apollo Server for query caching purposes.
  6. Update API mutation to send data

In this project we are adding connection between Books and Serie on the series side since that one will hold references to many books.

Create a file bookManager.sdl.ts in [root]/api/src/graphql/

export const schema = gql`
  # be aware that one of the unique fields MUST be provided
  input BookInput {
    id: String! # - this is the safest way to declare the type but if there is at least one unique field present it will work as well
    # id: String #unique field,  since there are 2 unique fields it will work with either one but having id required is prefferable
    idCode: String #unique field
    title: String

Now we can add books field to the bookSeries.sdl.ts this will make sure that we expect this data to be sent from the form.

  input UpdateBookSerieInput {
    idCode: String
    title: String
    books: [BookInput] # this is what the Form expects to send to save the data, field is optional

Edit the EditBookSerieCell.tsx in web side and modify the :

query EditBookSerieById($id: String!) {
    bookSerie: bookSerie(id: $id) {
      books {
    # this part invokes additional query to get all the books and pass the data into the form - if any field that is required is missing form will not submit
    books {
      id # only one unique field is required to submit data properly, ID is safest bet always

Create or modify a mutation for update action, notice that as input we are using the modified UpdateBookSerieInput:

  mutation updateSerieSetBooks($id: String!, $input: UpdateBookSerieInput) {
    # this is a mutation that will be run from server side
    updateSerieSetBooks(serieId: $id, serieData: $input) {
      books {

Now one of the most important and unintuitive parts. Apollo server adds __typename to the query results for caching purposes and that data is also part of our input. Our Update... will not accept it and we cannot add __typename to the type itself as it’s reserved keyword. The only way I did find is to remove this property from the object with stripTypenames - it is a custom function created in [root]/utils folder.

const onSave = (input, id) => {
    // this is a must for mutation it will not work without removing __typename and you cannot add __ANYname to type as it's reserved keyword
    input.books = stripTypenames(input.books);

      variables: {
        input: input,

With that our data is ready to be processed and saved.

At this point the WEB side is ready and we need to modify the API side that will allow us to modify both Serie data as well as it’s relation to Books:

export const updateSerieSetBooks: MutationResolvers['updateSerieSetBooks'] = ({
}) => {
  return db.bookSerie.update({
    where: {
      id: serieId,
    data: {
      books: {
        set: serieData?.books?.map((book) => {
          return { id: book?.id };

Note that here we set the books relationship overwriting any existing references. This can happen since our select component has defaultValue set to values that were fetched with bookSeries query.
The other important part is that we need to return an object with at least one unique field, this is why we return the array of objects with id of the book we want set for relation.

We cannot return only ID values as our API will not be able to understand it.

set: serieData?.books?.map((book) => {
          return { id: book?.id };

Mutation to run will now look like:

mutation updateSeriesSetBooks($serieId: String!, $serieData: UpdateBookSerieInput) {
  updateSerieSetBooks(serieId: $serieId, serieData: $serieData) {
    books {

And variables submitted with the mutation should be set as following (IDs should be changed as they will be different on every seed run):

  "serieId": "cl7ol71wy0014ycrclalbf2ir",
  "serieData": {
  "books": [{"id": "cl7ol71y10055ycrc7x8mgbrx"},{"id": "cl7ol71xf0028ycrc1xvdyqzc"},{"id": "cl7ol71xm0037ycrc4xebuhl6"}, {"id": "cl7ol71xu0046ycrcbcsrwuxi"}]

The example above shows only how to SET books but there is nothing stopping us from changing the title of the series within the same query:

  "serieId": "cl7ol71wy0014ycrclalbf2ir",
  "serieData": {
    "title": "Stormlight Archive",
  	"books": [{"id": "cl7ol71y10055ycrc7x8mgbrx"},{"id": "cl7ol71xf0028ycrc1xvdyqzc"},{"id": "cl7ol71xm0037ycrc4xebuhl6"}, {"id": "cl7ol71xu0046ycrcbcsrwuxi"}]

If it does not work please change the IDs

End notes

The “only” issue for me is that:
A. I don’t like how I need to manipulate data and extract only IDs for save, but it’s nothing major.
B. Apollo may complain about cache issues.

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The answer I posted at the end should be sufficient but for some reason I cannot select it as solution so if admins can prepend topic with [Solved] it would be great (seems that I cannot do it).

Thank you everyone and I hope it helps someone as well.