React Server Components (RSC)

Here’s a status update on RSC. Each item has a number, 0-5, assigned to it. 0 means not started. 5 means completely done. We’re aiming to get everything to a 4 or 5 before we feel ready for a proper public announcement of RSC support in RW.

RSC Status Report

Initial understanding of RSC as a concept

Render Flight (RSC Payload) from the server, on the client

Build system (yarn rw build and yarn rw serve)
4: Works, but is too slow. Still some more DX work to be done around noExternal

Dev server (yarn rw dev)
1: Have general understanding. Work not really started yet.

3-4: Works, but some more work needed

Data fetching. Server cells.
4: Need a generator

Setup command
4: Mostly would like to have a nicer default template we ship with

Server Actions
3-4: Works alright. Still might have to do some tweaks around how we return data and handle refreshes. Need to figure out redirects and error reporting.

Routing (client, and server-side)
3-4: It works, but I’ve realized we don’t follow React’s updated guidelines around useTransition and Suspsense

4: Some edge-cases where React can’t pick up rendering where it left off. Shows up as an error message in the browser console

4: We have CI running. But recent events shows we don’t have 100% coverage. Especially for Windows.

AST parsing for Client components and Server Actions
4: There are still some unusual variations of Server Action definitions we don’t support.

0: No documentation yet

Sample App
4: Existing app works, and shows off current features and functionality.
0: We want something new. Something that’s easier on the eyes :smile: It’s not started

2: Not really started, but we have a very good idea about what needs to be done. Easiest: Baremetal documentation / Docker instance on Fly / Grove