Monterey: On reversible rw app creation

The just posted article About RedwoodJS apps and databases is one example that lead me to this reversible app idea. In addition the opinion by @PantheRedEye:

When I first started with RW, this idea was appealing to me. I was spinning up cells and components, hooking things together, messing things up, and wanting to reverse. Thus, I read your ideas on this topic with interest. Since that time, however, I suppose my familiarity with RW and my general mental models have improved. I now have trouble finding the real desire for this

describes my current view about the need for the reversible apps - until you read feedback:

Finally, if it could allow concurrent edits while the replay is going, then it could be a sort of post-hoc pair programming session. That would be cool for remote workers, student/teacher, tutorials, etc.

Things are becoming interesting again.