First steps after tutorial

  1. I’ve not heard of Expo, specifically, but you’re naming a challenge that’s been around for a long time. I’m not experienced to tell you what’s currently the best bet for “write once, deploy to all clients”. Personally, I’d be suspect of anyone who says they’ve nailed it. With Redwood, there is the concept of Sides, currently represented by API and Web directories. The work is in process for sides to be extensible, e.g. capability to add future sides like “Electron”, “React Native”, “Vue”, etc – anything that represents a client and can consume the API. [Here’s the work in progress.] ( Assuming Expo is similar to React Native, you could add it as a Side to your App. I realize this doesn’t solve your “write once for all” question, however.
  2. There’s no set way, so you’ll need to configure it yourself. This topic includes many comments and links to CSS Setup examples. You might find what you’re looking for in a link or someone there who can help with your questions.
  3. I’d say likely within “weeks”, but we really can’t give a specific estimate. Here’s the tracking Issue to follow, which includes a link to the work in progress. In the meantime, here’s a great guide contributed by the community: How to: Authentication with RedwoodJS
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