First steps after tutorial

@rob Thanks!

  1. Wow, that’s what I thought based on your tutorial, but it felt so unfamiliar to just edit the schema and have the tool automatically figure out the necessary steps (maybe too good to be true). I see in that link that this declarative rather than imperative migration system is still experimental, but that’s really exciting.

  2. Oh ok. Yep, I saw the implicit version but tend to prefer explicit joiner tables (as it says " For example, to store when the relation was created."). I’ll either switch to implicit or wait for the SDL/service generation to be fixed.

New questions:

  1. I’m interested in building a basic React app that works natively on mobile but also on web. I have found Expo, which is interesting, but I’m having trouble understanding whether it’s a competitor/alternative to Redwood or whether they can be used together. In other words, if I would love to write React code just once and have the app work universally (on web, iOS, and Android), can Redwood handle that? What do you recommend?

  2. How can I use SCSS files in Redwood?

  3. I know redwoodjs /tutorial/wrapping-up mentions helpers for authentication. Do you have an estimate of when a code example of auth will be available (ideally an example that doesn’t require signing up for a paid plan such as Netlify Business Teams to use Netlify Identity)?

I’m VERY impressed with you all and will keep spreading the word!

Thanks very much for everything.