David's Daily.dev Presentation: Slides, Links, AMA

I had a blast helping kick off the Daily.dev new monthly series, The Monthly Dev. Thank you to everyone who joined and all the great questions you had along the way :rocket:

:tv: Recorded Presentation on YouTube

But I know I missed some questions (and demo’ing Auth :man_facepalming:), so this is the place to Ask Me Anything! And, as promised, here’s the link to slides and all the ways you can get started with Redwood:


Link to Demo Deployment Side

A few of you snuck in comments before I added Auth :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Getting Started

What else?

Here in the Redwoodverse, we help each other be successful with Redwood so that Redwood is successful. With that in mind, how can I (we) help get you started?


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