Cells and children

The createElement idea is nice, but limited only to the children of Success and not components within those. My current approach is the usage of useQuery. Here is an example where I also supplied useParams for convenience, so I just need to call the hook useTenant() and know I have the right data.

import { useParams } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import type { FindTenantById } from 'web/types/graphql'

import { useQuery } from '@redwoodjs/web'
import { QUERY } from 'web/src/components/Tenant/TenantCell/TenantCell'

export const useTenant = () => {
    const { tenant } = useParams()

  const query = useQuery<FindTenantById>(QUERY, { variables: { id: tenant } })
  return query.data?.tenant

Of course we could also do other things with useQuery, like listening if it succeeded.
I already asked how to integrate it into generators for cells: Hooks as addition to Cells - #5 by dennemark
(But currently I am having issues with typings in my mono repo, so I have to place the hook somewhere else)