Automatically generated forms beta

This looks super cool!!

With a simpler form, like the one in the example, rather than dealing with all the overhead, I would prefer to just do this, where everything related to field rendering (styling, label, errors…) is handled in those Field components (like in the demo on the components library):

interface IFormCreateEntity {
  email: string
  name?: string

const onSubmit = (data: IFormCreateEntity) => {
  // do something with the data

return (
  <Form<IFormCreateEntity> onSubmit={onSubmit}>
    <TextField name="email" label="Email" />
    <TextField name="name" label="Name" optional /> // fields should be required by default

Where I would then find AutoForm useful is where the effort of manual declaration is greater than that of using AutoForm - with a schema like this, for example (the Spoonjoy recipe input):

const StringSchema = z.string();
const IntSchema = z.number().int();
const FloatSchema = z.number();
const BooleanSchema = z.boolean();

const CreateIngredientInput = z.object({
  quantity: FloatSchema,
  unitName: StringSchema,
  ingredientName: StringSchema,

const CreateStepOutputUseInput = z.object({
  outputOfStepNum: IntSchema,
  inputOfStepNum: IntSchema.optional(),

const CreateRecipeStepInput = z.object({
  description: StringSchema,
  stepNum: IntSchema,
  stepTitle: StringSchema.optional(),
  ingredients: z.array(CreateIngredientInput).optional(),
  stepOutputUses: z.array(CreateStepOutputUseInput).optional(),

const CreateRecipeInput = z.object({
  description: StringSchema.optional(),
  title: StringSchema,
  servings: IntSchema.optional(),
  steps: z.array(CreateRecipeStepInput),

const CreateRecipeInputSchema = z.object({
  input: CreateRecipeInput,

I did try to test that out, but it looks like something isn’t yet supported by AutoField:

That is a form that took a lot of time to manually define, and I’d love to see what AutoForm would be able to do for a situation like that.

Keep up the great work! :slight_smile: